Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A month ago...

Hello there! Can you believe it's almost been a month?!?! To be technical: 4 weeks tomorrow and a "full month" on December 19. Abbie has put herself into a nice routine, and seems to know the difference between day and night time sleep.

She continues to grow on a daily basis. She has outgrown her newborn diapers and will soon outgrow a large majority of her newborn clothes. She now has very distinct cries which makes their meaning very obvious. She has started taking from a bottle a few times a day which has allowed Daddy to help out with feeding. Her extremities become more active every day and she has even begun to "coo." Smiles are still few and far between, but they happen nonetheless. It's the little things which keep us motivated.

Lindsay is doing remarkably well. She still has 2 months off from work. 3 months sounds like a long time when you're working every day. Lindsay is starting to wish 3 months was a little longer though. Christmas parties at the Magic Kingdom wrap up this week which means my current temporary assignment will be wrapping up as well. Although I will continue to be employed in some form or fashion it remains to be seen where it will be. More news on this as it develops.

We did get extremely lucky this year and score both Thanksgiving week and Christmas week off from work. So next week we will be packing up the Element and heading to Mississippi to visit with family.

I hope everyone's Holidays are going well and not proving too stressful. Enjoy the pictures. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

For the Folks at Home...

Greetings everyone. This update is simply a random collection of pictures and video to keep everyone updated on Abbie's progress. The major news this week came from the Doctor who told us she has grown an inch and a half in 3 weeks. This puts her in the 90th percentile for height as based on her age. Nothing much more to say other than she comes by it honestly. Enjoy the pictures, take care.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

2 Weeks and Some Change

Greetings all! Life is good at the McKinney household, albeit with some extremely long nights, life is good. Abbie is getting bigger by the day, and as they say, there's something new each and every day. Smiles are a bit more frequent now, she is holding her head up for about 20 seconds at a time, and she laughed in her sleep yesterday (there was a surprise in the diaper left shortly thereafter).

She is spending quite a bit more time awake and is starting to squirm more and more. Her lungs are definitely bigger now than the day she was born. And, as expected, as she is gaining weight her relative "baby plumpness" is not the culprit. She is definitely gaining length/height. We have a doctors visit next week to track some of the growth.

She absolutely HATES bath time. Hence how we know that the lungs are getting bigger. And she loves being in the middle of everything. We are not quite a fan of being by ourselves just yet.

The dog has been great throughout. Probably because as we leave Abbie's super soft blankets laying around the house, Zoey gets to take little naps in them. Mommy is recovering very nicely, and in true Lindsay fashion she is just itching to get out of the house. Daddy is back to working late nights, but it all works out very well. There's a feeding taking place about the time I get home.

Thank you goes to everyone who has complimented Abbie on what a cute baby she is. I hope everyone had a pleasant Thanksgiving and your preparations for Christmas are going smoothly. Feel free to drop us a line, enjoy the pictures. Take care.