Tuesday, January 20, 2009

11 lbs 6 oz, 23.5 in

Greetings once again to all our readers! Abbie had her two month check-up yesterday and it was quite an eventful day. As noted by the title, Abbie now weighs 11 lbs, 6 oz and is a whopping 23.5 inches long. Meaning she's grown 3 inches in a little less than 9 weeks. She also had her first round of vaccinations (shots) yesterday. I don't think I will ever forget the look on her face the moment she got stuck with a needle. That moment was tough on both mommy and daddy.

She also had the common reactions to the vaccines. She spent most of yesterday needing a little TLC: groggy with a small fever. We did however get reap some benefit as she slept for 9 hours straight!

Lindsay is doing well. Only two and a half more weeks before she returns to work. We've gone to great lengths to minimize Abbie's time spent in daycare. That however does not, and will not make it any easier the first day we drop her off.

Life in Florida continues to be most enjoyable. It has been colder than normal, but we can't complain considering what the rest of the country is going through. Enjoy the latest pictures and enjoy the rest of your week!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Breakthroughs and Other News

Greetings all! Abbie is now 6 and a half weeks old! And what a baby she is turning out to be. We have had a few breakthroughs in the past few weeks. She has started smiling in direct response to what we are saying to her. For those parents out there: you know just how rewarding this can be. The 4:00am-feeding stress can melt away in an instant when she does that.

She has picked up the "coo"ing and has even laughed out loud a few times. Her newborn wailing has changed into more of a baby "cry." And she has become incredibly picky. She knows exactly what she wants and will wear Mommy and Daddy down until she gets it. Part of the gig I guess.

We as parents have decided to learn a bit of baby sign-language to better facilitate communication when the time is right. We'll keep you updated on our successes.

My job got extended and I get to hang out at the Magic Kingdom for a while longer. This time though I get to work during the day (as opposed to the after hours events).

Zoey is doing well. She has started checking on the baby when she starts crying. She simply walks into the baby's room and sits while staring up at the crib. It's quite amazing to watch.

Lindsay is doing well also. She has been keeping busy on maternity leave by scrap-booking. Most recently Lindsay has been trying to get Abbie on a schedule which is by far her most difficult hobby at the moment. A 6 week old who knows exactly what she wants isn't as receptive as one might think to a new schedule.

The trip to Mississippi was a success and the entire family loved having the new baby around. Christmas and New Years both were great memories. Hope the same can be said for your most recent Holidays. Enjoy the pictures, we'll chat again soon.

Christmas 2008